GigaRot :: Politics :: Iraq :: Liberties Lost
American politics is no more absurd than politics anywhere. Honestly. Trust me on this one. No new taxes.

Saturday, July 03, 2004
  LA Times CONFIRMS: The Fall of Hussein's Statue Was Staged
What you know is what you were led to believe.

The LA Times reports:

It was a Marine colonel - not joyous Iraqi civilians, as was widely assumed from the TV images - who decided to topple the statue, the Army report said.

American public opinion, worse yet - your beliefs - have been manipulated by the U.S. Government to serve their needs.

Hundreds of American lives, and thousand of Iraqi lives, have been lost as part of a show to get you behind your "War President". You've surrendered civil rights, to be missed later; you've spent billions in taxes you'll owe far into the future to fund a whimsical overthrow of a country on the other side of the world that wasn't bothering you.

There was no war that Bush did not create - and stage in dramatic fashion. This "War President" is a "self-made man", at your expense. 
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